Set invoice status#

This endpoint is used to set the different client status to a specific document.

Endpoint steps#

  1. Get a token from your credentials by calling the endpoint Account/getToken;

  2. Set the status by calling the endpoint InboundFinancialDocument/status.

Response structure from server#

When a request is well formed and the authentication data is correct the system responds with a message envelope as follows:

	"CorrelationId": "<GUID>", /* for correlation purposes */
	"IsValid": true,           /* false in case of erros */
	"Errors": [],              /* if empty is a good signal */
	"Data": "<Service Response Data>"   /* the data retuned ex: token, invoice status, dependent on the endpoint called */

Endpoint Server Base URL#

# Test Environment
server_base_adress = ""

# Saphety Invoice Network - Production Environment
#server_base_adress = ""

1. Get a token (Account/getToken)#

Get a token from your account credentials using endpoint api/Account/getToken
Check here how to obtain an authentication token.

2. Set the status directly by using the status endpoint (InboundFinancialDocument/status)#

The status available for the clients to set are:

  • ACCEPTED: this status can be mean different levels of integration, like, manual approval or automatic acceptance. This status or the rejected status are mandatory.

  • REJECTED: this status is used to reject the document. Can be a funcional or technical rejection. By rejecting a document the reason must be sent. This status or the accepted status are mandatory.

  • PAID: this status is optional, but recommended.

2.1 Request structure#

In the url you need to supply this parameter:


  • Description: id associated with the legal document.

  • Required: Yes

  • Type: string

  • Example: “f1baf2fa-98d2-4284-9233-bc6c18a51087”


  • Description: pretended status for the document.

  • Required: Yes

  • Type: string

  • Allowed values: “Accepted”, “Rejected”, “Paid”

  • Example: “Accepted”


  • Description: if status “rejected” must be indicated a reason.

  • Required: No (Yes if “Status” = “Rejected”)

  • Type: string

  • Example: “test reason for reject a document”

2.2 Request example#

2.2.1 Use case for the accepted status#

service_url = "https://" + server_base_adress + "/api/InboundFinancialDocument/status"
print ('Endpoint url: ' + service_url)

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'bearer ' + token
# payload as json
payload = {
    "Id": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
    "Status": "Accepted"
Endpoint url:

2.2.2 Use case for the rejected status#

service_url = "https://" + server_base_adress + "/api/InboundFinancialDocument/status"
print ('Endpoint url: ' + service_url)

headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Authorization': 'bearer ' + token
# payload as json
payload = {
  "Id": "906FA7A0-A580-4E1D-81AC-8D9DF41EF367",
  "Status": "Rejected",
  "Reason": "Test reject document"
Endpoint url:

2.3 Response example#

  "CorrelationId": "8120bfbe-d8eb-4897-baab-6c6a0b39bcac",
  "IsValid": true,
  "Errors": [],
  "Data": {}